Does PEP Work To Prevent HIV Infection?
PEP can abort the infection, if present.So not to worry.
Detailed Answer:
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Your question is not so clear about your expectation.
I understood through your other question that you had an exposure with someone who is a IV drug user. All the IV drug users are not necessarily HIV positive.
As you had PEP within 72 hours after the exposure, you need not worry about HIV. Your risk is reduced to almost nil with PEP.Commonly used HIV test, 28 days after the exposure, was not reliable as it fell within the window period. If anybody got HIV in spite of PEP (very much unlikely), possibility of extended sero-conversion can not be ruled out.
Lymph node enlargement in HIV disease can occur due many reasons from early acute infection to late advanced stages. Secondary to infections, Persistent generalized lymph adenopathy and lymphomas can occur at different stages. The characteristic features of these lymph node swelling depends on the stage of HIV disease and its basic etiology. For example lymphadenitis following an localized infection could regress considerably following appropriate treatment. Lymph node enlargement is a common symptom which can appear with anybody even in the absence of HIV.
If you want more information, clarify the question still more better way.
Dr S.Murugan