Question: I have been on and off anti-depressants since my twenties. I am now 45 and was on 40 mg
Prozac up until a week ago when my doctor added 5 mg
Abilify since I had been in a funk that I just couldn't shake. She also increased the Prozac to 60 mg. When I say funk, I mean I had no interest at all in life. I didn't want to do anything...nothing gave me pleasure. I was sleeping and eating all of the time. Since the increase in Prozac and the addition of the Abilify, I have felt AWESOME! I have so much energy, I am super positive, happy, and I love how I feel. However, I am waking up multiple times during the night, and am wide awake. Also, I have been having what I would call auditory
hallucinations. Last night I thought I heard something huge crash downstairs but my husband assures me it was nothing. I also hear my kids call out for me..."Mommy," which is very scary, and they are sound asleep and clearly didn't call out to me. I also hear my dog cry. It is very scary and upsetting. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep now. One last side effect, is that I get this bright white light flashing in my eyes. My first question, is are these side effects ok and safe and will they go away? My second question is whether the Prozac/Abilify combo will make me gain weight. I need to lose 50 lbs and just can't afford to gain anything. Thank you!
I don't know why it listed sexual problems. It must have mistakenly chosen that...
Also, I should have definitely added that I am a compulsive overeater, 50 lbs
overweight, and have struggled with this for 30 years as well...
also, can Abilify slow your metabolism? Are the effects of Prozac and Abilify eventually going to wear off and I'll be having to change medications again? Will I suffer any long term problems? Will my brain chemistry permanently change so that I will always have to rely on medications???