Does Acupuncture Help In Treating Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy?
It helps but should be done under aseptic condition
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting
I have gone through your query and understand your concern. Acupuncture is work by promoting relaxation and allowing chemicals and blood within the body to flow properly. The patients using acupuncture have often reported relief of pain that is immediate, but temporary, lasting only one or two hours.
It works differently on each patient, and may not display favourable results in all cases. Acupuncture also works only on the physical aspect of Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), not on the neurological issues at the root of the disease. Therefore, acupuncture should not be the sole form of therapy for RSD.
There have been occurrences of complications as a result of acupuncture. Most of these issues have stemmed from improper sterilization of needles. In a few cases, the needles or materials used were defective, causing injury.
Hope this helps and I shall be glad to answer any further query.
Take care
Be positive and do not lose hope
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome
I have gone through your reply carefully and as there is no cure for RSD , the goal of treatment is to relieve painful symptoms associated with the disorder.
It include psychotherapy, physicaltherapy, acupuncture and drug treatment.The usual drugs given are pregablin,amitryptiline,tramadol.The other options are sympathetic nerve block and spinal cord stimulation with mixed results.
My suggestion would be to have treatment from neurologist/Rheumatologist.
Wishing you early and complete recovery.
Answered by
Dr. Mukesh Chugh
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement
Practicing since :1997
Answered : 1619 Questions