Does Excessive Masturbation Cause Serious Threat To Over All Health?
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
Masturbation is a normal part of sexuality and there isn't any harm in doing so. However there are a few exceptions:
1. If done within 3 days of trying to conceive, it can decrease sperm count thereby somewhat decreasing the chance of pregnancy (but this shouldn't be used as a form of birth control!)
2. In excess, it can cause some irritation or trauma to the skin of the penis, particularly if lubricant is not used.
3. If in a relationship, masturbation can decrease desire for sexual interaction with a partner.
4. This is the biggest one: It is speculated that masturbating to internet pornography affects the brain in a way that can lead to erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance problems when with a live partner. This is an area that is being studied now because of the considerable increase in erectile dysfunction in men under age 40 who practice this. Here is a recent research article from 2016 on this topic. You won't be able to just click on it but you can see it by copying and pasting it into your search bar.
There are other research articles I can provide on the effects of masturbation to pornography on men's sexual performance and relationships, but I think you just wanted to know about long term masturbation without this specific topic, so for now I'll limit my response.
Hope this answers your question. Please let me know if I can provide further information.