Does Hemorrhoids Go Away On Their Own?
Thank you for posting a query.
Firstly, piles / hemorrhoids are just dilation of the vessels in the anal region. As you said, it is external, it may also extend internally, or there may be presence of more than one pile internally .
So, at first you need a clinical examination.
Now, treatment. For your information, these will not go on their own. You need surgery. Now-a-days there are many sophisticated surgeries like dearterialization, stapled hemorrhoidopexy. Beside these traditional rubber banding, sclerotherapy, cauterization, simple excision are also done. The decision is made on the basis of clinical findings. But before that, you should take high fiber diet. It has good outcome.
Lastly, consult with a general surgeon for clinical examination, for ordering necessary investigations and for further management.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.
Thank you for writing back.
Piles can leak due to irritation on its surface.
Look, i know there are some remedies like sitz bath which can provide some relief. But in those cases, recurrence, chances of complications like infection is also high. Why will you take risk? The surgical procedures for piles are very simple, does not produce much complications. newer procedures like dearterialization has very low recurrence. I am telling you from my clinical experience.
So, I will recommend you to go for surgery.