Does Masturbation Adversely Affect Conception?
I am mastubrating from the past 10 years regularly 2 times right now my age is 22 , due to this will I face any problems in future
1. Will the sperm count reducess due to mastubrating
2. If I stop mastubrating now for up to my marriage may be at the age of 25 so, if sperm count decrease will it increase by that time??
3. From now what are measures I have to take to satisfy my wife and have good children?
You dont need to worry at all.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking HCM
I have gone through your query. Masturbation is a normal thing. It doesn't cause any organic problems. It is better to avoid it if you are married and have a partner as it decreases attraction towards your partner.
1. Sperm count doesn't reduce due to masturbating. But if you do continuous masturbating there will be some reduction. This is temporary and it will be normalized when you don't masturbate or have sex for some days. Only some days are required for this also.
2. If you stop masturbating your sperm count will increase within in some days only.
3. For satisfy your wife you should be relaxed first. Have enough foreplay with her before having sex because for women a good foreplay can give excess arousal and good and easy orgasm. Also control your ejaculation till your wife reaches orgasm. This you can attain by stop and start technique, by changing thoughts when nearing ejaculation, by using condoms or condoms containing numbing agents like moods climax delay xtacy.
Take proteinaceous food, have regular exercises , avoid smoking and alcohol. This will give you god sexual stamina and fertility. Taking zinc containing foods like mussels , oysters are good also. Taking vitamin E rich foods or supplements in moderation is also good.
Let me know if anything not clear.
I am happy to help you.