Does Prolactin Level In My Blood Report Indicate Pregnancy?
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi wani. I will be answering your concerns.
I presume the blood tests were done between cycle d2 to day4.
The units of prolactin is not clear to me. The prolactin level is in nanograms. Isn't it? For this you received Elonda ( Cabergoline).
You have been taking Elonda only since two weeks. Have you done your thyroid function tests? Even decreased functioning of thyroid can increase prolactin level. In my clinic I advise my patients to first take Elonda for two months. Repeat the Prolactin level. Once it is normal to start with follicular tracking and further treatment.
Are you doing this follicular tracking on a natural cycle? As your doctor has started follicular tracking I presume that semen analysis and fallopian tube patency tests are normal.
A dominant follicle of 14 mm on day 12 is acceptable. The follicle grows at the rate of about 1.5 mm daily. Repeat follicular tracking again on 4th March. Once the follicle is 18mm and above I advise you to consult your doctor and take Injection HCG to trigger ovulation so that you can have timed intercourse ( within 48 hours of the injection). I am writing this keeping your age in mind.
What was the thickness of the endometrium (lining of uterus) on day 12. Even this is important for implantation. At the time when the follicle is more than 18 mm, if the endometrial thickness is more than 7mm it is favorable for pregnancy.
Since there is a dominant follicle growing you have chances for pregnancy in this cycle.
To increase your chances of pregnancy maintain normal BMI, stop smoking ( IF you are a smoker) and have regular intercourse at least three times in week.
I hope I have answered your concerns. If you have any further queries, do write to me. i will be happy to answer.
Thank u very much , here the mising items you need, first i did these test at day 3 and prloctin right in nanograms and i recieve elonda for that , my thyroid function is normal 3 month later
Yes dr i got your opinion about wait 2 ms after taking elonda but my age is irritate me very much so i hurry up little and iwill follow you about my sonography details concerning endometrium data really your recommedation make me positive
Thank u alot
Take elonda to make prolactin level normal and then follicular study
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXX good evening,
Nice to hear from you again. It is good to know that thyroid function tests are normal.
I appreciate your concerns. But a normal prolactin level is important for ovulation to occur. So it is a good practice to take elonda, until you have a normal prolactin level and then start follicular tracking.
Be positive always. I wish you good luck.
If you have any further concerns do write to me through Healthcare Magic.
If you have no further questions to be asked please close the discussion.
Take care.