Does Smoking Marijuana Cause Stomach Pain And Diarrhea?
Detailed Answer:
This is not at all common marijuana symptoms. Furthermore, if someone takes something for a prolonged period it is not usual to get a new response to it. Allergic reactions are where the drug is; in marijuana's case either lungs (and irritation to the lungs which overlaps with allergy occurs in up to 1 in six individuals...but it isn't all allergy) or all over, but it would not be just the GI tract.
On the other hand, marijuana is often mixed with other substances (pesticides) that attack the gi tract motility BUT again, only when they are there, and not otherwise and with other areas also affected.
And, gi disturbances are incredibly common and in most cases the cause is not definitely found. H pylori, esophagitis, reflux/hiatal hernia, gut motility issues are very common and need a specialist to evaluate them.
Detailed Answer:
An inflammatory bowel process is certainly more likely than marijuana. The key point is that any of the possibilities of marijuana occur for a set time until the material gets out of the body (hours to days). But other diseases can last indefinitely or get worse over time. Inflammatory bowel diseases like crohns can do that, and then bowel infections such as c diff but also diverticulitis or appendicitis also would get worse--generally much worse and more rapidly than crohns which can have quite a chronic pattern.
Pepto bismal four times a day works on MINOR problems but not on major ones.