healthy 61 female, 165#, 5 1 -broke ankle, orif surgery 9/20/11, good results, still non weight bearing. 10/20-suspected uti, given cipro 500 mg 2x a day.made condition worse. started taking 1/2 vicodin for abdominal pains, actual urine test showed no infection, quit cipro side effects nasty. never had a uti. Back to doc with tremors and twitching and still pain and taking vicodin. ct scan showed diverticulitis. started augmentin 10/28, started in the afternoon 875 mg 2x day, plus vicodin for pain. Twiching and tremors more pronounced and can;t sleep or eat and palms of hands started to itch and swell (penicillin reaction)? so e/r doc sent bactrim and metronidazole for diverticulits and stopped the twitching with atavan. CT scan of head is normal