Done Myringoplasty Two Months Ago. How Long Should I Wait To Fly?
Thank you for your query.
1. It is fine to travel by air 4 to 6 weeks after an ear surgery.
2. The XXXXXXX healing time is usually 4 to 6 weeks. Gelfoam used in ear packing usually dissolves by this time.
3. Your surgeon is the best judge as he will know the details of the operation and be able to view your eardrum directly.
4. The ear and new tympanic membrane (neotympanum) is unlikely to be damaged unless you have a cold or blocked Eustachian tube due to Eustachian tube dysfunction (sometimes the original cause for your earlier ear perforation).
5. If you still have a doubt, also get a Tympanogram (Impedance Audiometry) done. If it is normal, it is safe to fly.
6. A an extreme precaution take a good ten minutes of steam inhalation the night prior to the flight and carry an OTC nasal decongestant such as Otrivin. Discomfort is usually during descent and landing. First try swallowing or a Valsalva Maneuver gently. This usually opens up the Eustachain Tube and equalizes pressure on both sides of the eardrum thereby preventing any damage. If you feel discomfort building up or pain use the nasal drops or spray immediately. You may follow up later.
7. It may be interesting for you to note that cabin pressure is usually slightly less (corresponding to an altitude of 6000 ft above sea level) than normal atmospheric pressure on the ground. That will vary with your destination.
8. I must emphasize that there is no cause for worry. I wish you an enjoyable journey.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.