Drew The Blood From Arm. Noticed Soreness In The Injected Site. What Could Be Causing This?
I'm female and 53 years old. I've had lots of bloodwork in the past but never experienced this before. Right now I'm figuring it will go away with a bit more time but was curious what it might be and whether I need to go see my Dr. or if I can just wait it out.
Thanks for the query.
I presume the technician used the cubital vein in the cubital fossa to draw the blood.
Most probably you may have developed a thrombophlebitis. This could be causing the soreness radiating to the biceps. Occasionally median nerve which is nearby may have been traumatized if she had gone very XXXXXXX resulting in the pain.
But you need not be concerned. Both the conditions heal off in a few days to weeks. You can use heparin- benzyl nicotinate ointment on the site along with over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen for relief. In addition vitamin B12 supplements can be beneficial.
Consult your physician if the above mentioned medication fails to provide you relief.
I hope you found a solution which you looked for. Let me know if there are other concerns.
Take care
Is there anything I should watch for as it heals which would indicate I should be concerned and see my physician?
What is thrombophlebitis and what causes it?
Again, thank you for your response.
You might be concerned if the site turns reddened and tender to touch. In such a case report to the doctor.
Thrombophlebitis is a inflammation if then veins and the symptoms are as mentioned m earlier.
I think your pain must have reduced by now and nothing to worry.
That suffices.