Ear Injury, Blockage In Ear, Impaired Hearing, Used Waxol To Remove Ear Wax
Thank you for your query.
A slap on the ear may cause the ear drum to rupture leading to a traumatic rupture which can be easily recognized by it's posterior position on the ear drum and blood stained jagged edges.
If the ear wax plug in your external ear canal has somehow prevented that due to it's presence, then all you need is to have the wax removed by an ENT Specialist.
Ear syringing will not be a good idea as the ear drum may be ruptured behind the wax plug. Hence insist on Suction and Clearance (S/C) under the microscope. This will be the safest way to remove the wax and examine the eardrum of your left ear.
Do not attempt to remove the ear wax on your own.
You should then have a Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) to rule out any sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), which which needs to be addressed immediately.
If you do have a traumatic perforation in your left ear drum, and if you have only mild conductive hearing loss (CHL), keep a regular follow up with your ENT Specialist for four to six weeks. Traumatic perforations usually heal well within this time period and the hearing should return to normal as the ear drum heals.
It is important to avoid water entry into the ear (keep it dry) and to prevent any infection which may delay healing.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries, I will be available to answer them.