Elevated ALT And Negative For Hepatitis And Hemochromatosis. Told As Fatty Liver. Should I Be Worried About Autoimmune Hepatitis?

Elevated alt liver enzyme of 72 was tested two weeks prior was 63.
All other test results normal including other liver enzymes. Hepatitis was negative. Along with hemochromatosis. Ultrasound negative as well.
Height 6 3. Weight was 212. Lost 15 pounds since first test. Dr believes its fatty liver. My cholesterol was 133 18 months ago. I have had a bad diet of fast food since that ldl reading
I am very scared as dr mentioned a1a and autoimmune hepatitis. He did not believe it to be cause. However i am scared that i may have those diseases.
Any clinical symptoms, complete lab report.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Thanks for your query at XXXXXXX
I understand your concern.
There are should be some clinical history that should be present to consider the possibility of those diseases.
In fatty liver along with the ALT other enzymes like Glutamyl transferase and AST are also elevated.
Auto immune hepatitis usually present clinically with fatigue, abdominal discomfort, myalgia, diarrhea, skinrash and hirsutism. Lab test like auto antibody assay and serum immuno globulin specially IgG will help in diagnosis. So is Alpha 1 Antitypsin.
Though the values are marginally abnormal, I would be able to better interpret and address your concerns if you can provide the complete laboratory report data - all other liver function test report and lipid profile details. It would also be better if you can answer some of my questions such as:
- what were your complaints and duration of those problems ? ( I would like to know the reason why the tests were performed)
- any medical and surgical history.
- history of hypertension and diabetes.
There is no need to panic and the values are not grossly abnormal especially if you do not have any symptoms.
I will await for complete details to give you my opinion.
Any further information you can ask me in follow up query.
Direct question at
WWW.WWWW.WW Regards.

Below are recent results. Click on the āiā icon for general information about a test. Click on the test name for additional results for that test. Click on the date for specimen information, including other results from that specimen. [More]
Test Name Result Units Reference Range Date
ALT (SGPT) (U/L) 62 (#) U/L 10-55 10/27/2013
AST (SGOT) 30 U/L 10-40 10/27/2013
Alk Phos 92 U/L 45-115 10/27/2013
Bilirubin (Total) 0.4 mg/dl 0.0-1.0 10/27/2013
Bilirubin (Direct) 0.1 mg/dl 0-0.4 10/27/2013
Total Protein 7.6 g/dl 6.0-8.3 10/27/2013
Albumin 5.3 (#) g/dl 3.3-5.0 10/27/2013
Globulin 2.3 g/dl 2.3-4.1 10/27/2013
PT 13.0 sec 11.0-14.0 10/27/2013
PT-INR 1.0 0.9-1.1 10/27/2013
Iron 45 mcg/dl 45-160 09/25/2013
TIBC 300 mcg/dl 230-404 09/25/2013
HBV e Ag (+Ab) Negative
Reference range: Negative 09/24/2013
TTG Ab, IgA 0.21
Negative U/mL 0-15 09/24/2013
HBV e Ab Negative
Reference range: Negative 09/24/2013
Celiac Disease Panel/Interpretation
Serologic markers for celiac disease are useful [More] 09/24/2013
TTG Ab, IgG 0.25
Negative U/mL 0-15 09/24/2013
IgA 122 mg/dl 69-309 09/23/2013
HBV Core Ab, IgM Negative NEG 09/23/2013
HBV Surface Ag Negative 09/23/2013
HBV Surface Ab 8.37
Results less than 10.00 mIU/mL are not consistent [More] mIU/mL 09/23/2013
HBV Core Ab(s) Negative NEG 09/23/2013
HAV Ab, IgM Negative NEG 09/23/2013
HAV Ab(s) Negative NEG 09/23/2013
HCV Ab Negative 09/23/2013
Sodium 135 mmol/L 135-145 09/21/2013
Potassium 4.0 mmol/L 3.4-4.8 09/21/2013
Chloride 99 (#) mmol/L 100-108 09/21/2013
Carbon Dioxide 26.5 mmol/L 23.0-31.9 09/21/2013
BUN 11 mg/dl 8-25 09/21/2013
Calcium 9.7 mg/dl 8.5-10.5 09/21/2013
Creatinine 1.02 mg/dl 0.60-1.50 09/21/2013
Glucose 110 mg/dl 70-110 09/21/2013
TSH 0.79 uU/ml 0.40-5.00 09/21/2013
WBC 6.2 th/cmm 4.5-11.0 09/21/2013
HCT 46.8 % 41.0-53.0 09/21/2013
Hgb 16.1 gm/dl 13.5-17.5 09/21/2013
RBC 5.63 mil/cmm 4.50-5.90 09/21/2013
PLT 208 th/cumm 150-400 09/21/2013
MCV 83 fl 80-100 09/21/2013
MCH 28.6 pg/rbc 26.0-34.0 09/21/2013
MCHC 34.4 g/dl 31.0-37.0 09/21/2013
RDW 12.7 % 11.5-14.5 09/21/2013
Anion Gap 10 mmol/L 3-15 09/21/2013
Eos 0.3 % 0-8 09/21/2013
Basos 0.2 % 0-3 09/21/2013
Lymphs 18.5 (#) % 22-44 09/21/2013
Monos 7.6 % 4-11 09/21/2013
Eos# 0.02 th/mm3 0.0-0.9 09/21/2013
Baso# 0.01 th/mm3 0.0-0.3 09/21/2013
Lymph# 1.15 th/cmm 1.0-4.8 09/21/2013
Mono# 0.47 th/mm3 0.2-1.2 09/21/2013
Neutrophils 73.2 (#) % 40-70 09/21/2013
Neutrophil # 4.56 th/cmm 1.8-7.7 09/21/2013
Diff Method Auto 09/21/2013
NRBC#, auto 0.00 th/cmm 0 09/21/2013
GFR (estimated) >60
Abnormal if <60 mL/min/1.73m2. If patient [More] mL/min/1.73m2 09/21/2013
NRBC(%) 0 /100 wc 0 09/21/2013
Hope you can read this. The ALT has fallen. But still out of normal range. The first time i compelted test it was 63. The lab for the tests was switched after that. The first lab had a norm range of 43. Te second time I was tested te labs normal range was up to 55 and mine was 67. This was two days following the first test. Two weeks later the same lab had results of 72 with again a norm of up to 55. This last test was completed aftet losing 10 lbs. exercising and 4 weeks of waiting. Now it is 62 with a norm range of 55. Is this an encouraging result or are these all in the margin of error.
The first test was completed during a check up. It was not brought on by any symptoms .
No need to worry.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
I have gone through your reports. These values are marginally raised . All other lab values are within normal range only.
There is no need to worry because no clinical symptoms and also values are falling to normal reference range.
Any further information you can ask me.

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