Endometriosis, No Periods For 3 Months, Abdominal Pain, Need To Urinate Frequently. Worried
I am 43 and perimenopausal and have endometriosis. I was having periods regularly (just going a week or so longer in between them) but I haven't had a period for 3 months and have had period pains and symptons for about 2 months. The last week or so I have had severe lower left abdominal pains and in my uterus/bladder area and need to urinate frequently. I have had my urine checked and there was lots of blood in it. So he put me on anti biotics. My doc is sending me for pelvic and abdominal ultrasound scan. My appointment for that is 29 Sept. I am starting to really worry about what it is. What does it sound like to you please? Many thanks
Usually when you are perimenopausal, symptoms of endometriosis start to improve, and by the time you are menopausal they go away. However keep in mind that this is not the only cause of abdominal pain and that is why your doctor is checking for an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, as other problems could be mimicking the same "endometriosis" pain that you describe (examples include but are not limited to diverticulitis, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, etc).
The fact that you had increased frequency to urinate and blood on the urine exam suggests that you had an irregular vaginal bleeding or gross hematuria (bloody urine), then I would stay calm and wait for the ultrasound appointment. It would be useful to recheck the urine test after antibiotic treatment to make sure everything has improved (the blood in the urine), and send the urine for culture as well to see if any bacteria or fungi grows.
Hope that helps, let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.