Experienced Acute Gastric Pain During Exercise. Having Abdominal Pain All Morning. Suggest?
Peptic ulcer.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
Your symptoms are most likely caused by peptic ulcer, stomach inflammation or Helicobacter Pylori infection. The pain usually appears after a meal, nausea and vomiting can be present. Increasing Omeprasole dosage is not effective and pointless at your case. Such situation is very common with Helicobacter Pylori. Please note that this bacteria irritates stomach what triggers your symptoms. As long as eradication wont be done, Omeprasole treatment wont be effective.
Another important thing is that stomach cancer needs to be ruled out.
That is why you should definitely have gastroscopy done.
In case of constipation, you should also be tested for colon cancer. Please note that colon cancer risk increases over the age of 50. That is why every person older than 50 should have colonoscopy every 10 years even if there is no symptoms.
I suggest you to visit gastroenterologist. Abdominal ultrasound, blood work, gastroscopy should be done. Colonoscopy should be considered.
In a meanwhile please avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
However I have thought it might be a peptic ulcer. In which case would my recent episode be a flare-up or something worse (e.g. perforation)? If the latter should I be hot-footing to my nearest Accident and Emergency unit? Symptoms hav subsided pretty much but I'm taking Complan for lunch.
It is not a perforation.
Detailed Answer:
10 years ago is more than a history. You need to get this tests done again.
In case of perforation you would gate really strong and sudden abdominal pain, your abdomen would get really hard. The symptoms would force you to visit ER. So I dont think you have a perforation. This is rather impossible with symptoms described by you.
So no need to ER visit right now. Just get scheduled for gastroscopy and get abdominal ultrasound done.
Hope this will help.