Experiencing Passing Out From Years And It Happens During Periods. Irregular Periods Due To Menopause. What Kind Of Tests Are Needed?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
You are experiencing what are known as vasovagal syncopes.
THis is basically the technical term for passing out after feeling jelly legged and dizzy.
This happens due to overactivity of the nervous system, when the heart is temporarily unable to pump out enough blood to the brain.
THis is not serious or life threatening generally.
It happens in some women due to the pain and the hormonal changes when the periods are going on.
IT is heightened by emotional distress, over full stomach, warm and hot stuffy surroundings, constipation, not getting enough sleep or minor fever .
Sometimes taking OTC painkillers like Ibuprofen during periods helps .
If this doesnt work, taking birth control pills is an option.
IT would regulate your cycles and also control the syncopal symptoms.
Meanwhile, make sure that you do stay hydrated during your periods.
This would include drinking lots of water.
Avoid heavy meals or binge eating.
Stay away from alcohol, smoke and caffeine.
Have light meals or fluids every 2 - 3 hours.
Stay in a cool and comfortable environment.
ANy kind of ' passing out ' should always be looked into first by a Neurologist to ensure that there is no other pathology in the brain.
All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.
Detailed Answer:
A neurologist will be able to diagnose vasovagal syncope.
Common tests include screening tilt table test, blood volume determination, hemodynamic testing and autonomic nervous system testing.
Most often, the clinical history suffices to establish a diagnosis.
Regarding the treatment, I have already detailed it in the above answer.
WIsh you lots of luck.