Experiencing Sharp Pain All Over Body. Feeling Fatigued And Headache. How To Get Relief?
Thank you for contacting Healthcare magic.
The most common reason for symptoms is FIBROMYALGIA. In this condition, there is widespread pain, as you have described. In addition, there is tenderness on applying pressure. Fatigue and sleep disturbance may also be present.
Other possibility could be a post-viral syndrome, especially if you had a viral infection recently.
The chance of vision in one or both eyes, weakness of one half of body or both legs, imbalance while walking, etc.
In addition, you should do the following blood work, if not done already- hemoglobin, vitamin B12 level, vitamin D level and thyroid profile.
I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology) XXXXXXX Consultant Neurologist