Experiencing Tingling In Thumb Since Shoulder Injury. Is This Common?
It is very common and usual to experience such a sensation in the thumb after such an injury.
Its important to note that the nerves that innervate the upper limbs originate in the cervical spine and actually sprouts out into the branches, requires to supply the parts of the upper limb in the armpit of axillary region.
A lesion like a dislocation very frequently traumatizes these nerves trunks and roots. Transitory changes in sensation or weakness at times is observed in the accompanying area innervated by the affected nerve. Treatment at times requires physiotherapy when very severe, with lots of caution. In your case, rest and Vitamin B complex supplements should be very sufficient. With time, depending on the severity, everything comes back to normal.
Thanks and hope this helps. I do not think you really need to bother much as you are certainly going to get amelioration with time, rest and Vitamin B complex supplements.
Thanks and regards,
Dr Luchuo, MD.