Facing Dark Pigmentation Problem On Face. How To Remove It Permanently?
Kindly send good picture showing the pigmentation
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to XXXXXXX
I can understand your concern for the dark pigmentation problem. It is really distressing for a lady to have anything unusual on face.
As per your query I cannot make out the exact nature of pigmentation. There are innumerable causes of pigmentation on face and variable grade of pigmentation too. The treatment is planned according to type and grade of pigmentation.
It would be better if you can upload a close picture of face. For that you have a feature to upload images by yourself at the right side of the query page, please utilize that so that I can answer your further queries. Or else, you can send as an attachment to YYYY@YYYY with the subject as "Attn: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kanodia)I hope you would not be bothered to reply the above.
Pigmentation is a common phenomenon because of more activity of the color producing cells know as "melanocytes". These melanocytes are active because of mutiple causes.
Till the time you give your detailed history and picture kindly follow the suggestions below:
- The most important measure is to stay away from direct sun light by any means. Do not expose yourself to sort of sunlight which is direct or indirect. Even during this cloudy weather when direct sun is not present then also you should give ample sun protection.
- You can apply a good sunscreen over entire face in a very thin layer for 3-4 times. Apply it in such a thin layer that it should not be visible by naked eye. Do not rub it. This is to be applied half an hour before going out. The sunscreen are effective for 3 hours only, so if the direct or indirect exposure is present then reapply after eery 3 hours.
- You can take any antioxidant and multivitamin along with the above especially those containing high amount of Vitamin A and vitamin C in it.
- For the lightening creams I general prescribe Kojic acid cream or Azelaic acid cream at night time only over the affected area. Apply it in such a thin layer that it should nt be visible by naked eye. Do not try to rub it. It is generally diluted with some bland cream to reduce the irritation. SO these creams are to be used under dermatological guidance only.
Have plenty of fruits containing vitamin C and A.
I hope these information's will help you. If you have further queries I will be happy to help.
"Wish you good glowing skin"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases)