Fatigue, Anxiety, Taking Levothyroxine For Hypothyroidism, Taken BP And Pulse Rate
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some good information and recommendations regarding your situation.
Regarding the vital signs what you have reported a pulse and blood pressure in this range is absolutely normal. I understand you do not feel quite right and that you feel like something else maybe going on.
The only real way to tell if there is potentially a hormonal fluctuation which is contributing to what you're feeling would be to obtain a thyroid function analysis. As you know this is a simple blood test with your Sometimes there can be subtle fluctuations in the thyroid function which cause us to have to change the dosage of the medication.
As for right now I would recommend that you discontinue any type of stimulant food or liquid intake including caffeine or nicotine. I would also refrain from drinking any alcohol for the time being.
If you are able. I recommended that you see your primary care doctor within the next few days for a full and comprehensive examination and consultation. As I had mentioned he will likely check a blood test to make sure that your thyroid function is within an optimal range.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert