Feel Light Headed, Headaches, Numbness In Lips, Face And Arms. EEG, MRI And Blood Test Normal. Cause?
Relative to light headedness and headaches. During these spells I feel numbness in my lips and face, my arms feel like they are 5000 lbs and its hard to concentrate or move. I feel somewhat disconnected. They want to put me on medication that has the same side effects that I am trying to treat. So far nobody has been able to help me any suggestions.....
Could be complex partial seizures
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting your query.
Based on your symptoms, you could be having seizures, most likely of the complex partial type. I agree that MRI and EEG may be normal in many cases of seizures. Then, we base our diagnosis of patient's symptoms and start them on anti seizure medications. In your case, I would prefer to use carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine as the first choice. Side effects are mentioned in the literature, but in practice, these medications are well tolerated.
The only other possibility that I would consider in your case is TIA- transient ischemic attack. In TIA, the blood supply to the brain gets reduced for a short while. Thus is more likely to occur if you have risk factors such as high BP, sugar, cholesterol, etc. If not, then, we need worry about TIAs.
I hope it helps. I would be pleased to answer any follow up queries.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology) XXXXXXX Consultant Neurologist