Feeling Discomfort In Chest And Dizziness. Having Anxiety And Depression Problem. What To Do?
I am 35 Years Old and 73Kg weight. Recently I am having problem when ever I am getting tension lots of burping coming and during that time I feel heart discomfort and feel dizziness. Recently I am having symptoms whenever I climb stairs I feel shortness of breath for some time then I feel normal. From the age of 16 I am working out in GYM and I always keep my body fit. I did some online study then I feel that I am having anxiety and depression problem. Three years back my father had a heart attack problem and had surgery. So when ever I have some kind of chest pain I feel I am having the heart attack problem. I did two times heart check in the last 2 years and the result came normal. Recently in my office General health check-up came and the result Bb 60 /100. But they said normal. I forced them to take ECG and result came normal but they said one XXXXXXX has little deviation but nothing to worry. But to rule out have this ECG check again after 1 week. This put me in really worry. In the afternoon after having lunch in the office I feel faint and run to medical room in my office. Doctor came from the camp and checked sugar and BP everything is normal. They mention that I am really worried about the ECG result and nothing to worry, but to rule out have a check after 1 week. But I haven't checked it’s been a 3 weeks now. But when I do brisk walking in the morning I feel good and I am not feeling shortness of breath but only during climbing stairs that too for some minutes. Please suggest me I am having heart problem, or low BP or Anxiety.
Thanks for posting the question here.
Your age is 35 years,
Weight 73 kg ,
Blood pressure 100/60 mm of Hg. ,
Every time E C G came normal.
Your father had surgery for heart attack,
Now a days from last 10-15 years the life style of young in India has changed so much. Adults usually visits gym regularly in our country,so remains fit.
That is the main reason that ,now heart attack is not a hereditary disease,so don't worry at all.
Tension increases acid secretion in stomach.
When more acid in stomach, there is gastritis,
Gastritis develops gas,
Gastritis causes burping as in your case.
You mentioned in query that ,you feel heart discomfort and dizziness.
Actually these two symptoms are also related to hyper acidity ( gastritis) and ANXIETY.
When you climb stairs ,you feel shortness in breath. When we climb over mountain, due to high altitude ( less oxygen compare to ground level ) ,we feel shortness in breath and this is a natural process.Same thing happens during upstairs.
You mentioned that you are a gym goer and physical fit. From last 19 years , you are doing regular exercise ,so no chance of heart attack. Every time when check up was done , your ECG were normal ( little deviation but that was normal). From the last two years , you are passing in TENSION i.e. ANXIETY.
Here I would like to say only one thing, that you are not a patient of heart attack.
Consult a psychiatrist and get in treatment for anxiety and mild depression.
Hope I have answered your query.
If ,further any question I will be happy to help.
Wish you a good luck.
Is there any home remedy for Anxiety and depression.
Once again thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum
Mr. Guruswamy in 2005 ,you got Tuberculosis( T B ).
You completed successfully tubercular treatment.
So forget about that.
2nd query is home remedy for Anxiety and tension.
Keep one thing in brain , that in any condition don't loose temper, remains happy.
Try to understand.
Hope I have answered your query.
If , further any question I will be happy guide you.
Good luck young boy.