Fell On Steps And Was In Pain. Had Limping, Swollen And Bruised. X-ray Of Ankle Was Normal. Suggest?
Most likely a benign condition...
Detailed Answer:
Unlike the joints where there are lot of complex structure, the anterior part of the XXXXXXX contains only bone and soft tissue. Injuries to this region either results in soft tissue injury or a fracture. Ankle X-ray usually covers the lower 1/3rd of leg - so the X-ray would have picked up serious fracture if the injury was below the lower 1/3rd of the leg.
All minor fractures and soft tissue injuries heal within 3 months. Since it is not very tender and you are able to walk without difficulty, I do not feel you are harbouring a serious concern. The small hard area may be due to calcification - a process of healing. Avoid massaging this area. I wouldn't be very concerned with these features especially if daily activities are not hurting.
So do not be very worried. The hardened area seems like benign calcification to me. You can choose to consult an orthopedic at your convenience if this area is still troubling you. A close physical examination and localised X-ray of the affected area can put all your fears to rest.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarification.
You can wait for few more weeks...
Detailed Answer:
If you are able to walk without pain and limp, you can wait for a few more weeks. Most injuries like I said, can take up to 3 weeks to recover. So if this is not hurting you and you are able to walk without difficulties you can wait for a few more weeks to a month before choosing to visit a specialist.
In my opinion, all seems to be ok... There is no need to be really concerned.
Hope this helped. Write back for clarifications.