Fever, Frequent Urination, Blood In Urine. Undergoing Treatment. Persisting Fever. What Should Be Done?
These are typical signs of urinary infection and this is usually easily treated by antibiotics. Beside antibiotics he should take some antipyretic such as paracetamol, aspirine or ibuprofen. It usually takes 2-3 days till antibiotic starts to work but fever sometimes isnt correlating with seriousness of infection.
This is significant fever, but not something to be worried about. If fever reaches more than 103 it can be sign of bacteremia and you should visit docor then for intravenous antibiotic teratment. You didnt mention which exactly antibiotic did he get, but usually wide spectre antibiotics are used so it should work. Of course, there is possibility that bacteria is resistant, but you will know this when you see culturing results and then antibiotic can be switched. ALso, if these uroinfections recurs, I suggest to do prostate and kidney ultrasound as there can be some disorders which facilitate these infections.
Wish you good health. If you have any question I ll be glad to help.