Fractured Radius Near Wrist. Ulna Sore And Red. Can I Cut Hole In The Brace?
It seems like it is caused by cast pressure and irritation of soft tissue(nerves,muscle or vessels) which is commonly found after such immobilizations especially when cast backing wasnt properly inserted. But, this isnt anything serious. If there is no visible skin defect it should pass in short time. You can cut a hole or insert some cotton wool under the brace. You can also apply some ice for 15 minutes or apply topical ibuprofen cream, deep heat or similar creams. Try to keep your hand elevated as much as possible and rest with your fingers.
The most important thing is that there is no bone destruction or hypertrophy in this place so if symptoms persist after these measures just repeat xray exam.
If you notice loss of sensation and tingling in wrist and innabiltiy to move fingers or loss of pulsations in radial artery,you should visit ER.
WIsh you good health. If you have any questions I ll be glad to help.
Also, it can be refered pain from radial fracture healing, but in every case this pain shouldnt last for long.
I'm worried that this will interfere with hand therapy which starts Tuesday. Will the therapist know how to handle this?
Keep ice on it every 2 hours for 15 minutes. and try to find some topical antiinflammatory medicine. There is no reason for pain to persist for more than 5 days unless there is infection. So if this persists, you should do blood tests and xrays as I said to rule out bone or joint infection/inflammation.