GERD, Burping, Throat Clearing, Cough, Swallowing Difficulty. On Tecta Medication. Can It Develop Into Esophageal Cancer?
I have just recently started treatment (1 40 mg Tecta daily) for what I believe has been a fairly long-term chronic GERD. I'm a 30 year old male and I believe I've been experiencing symptoms for at least the last several years, which include almost constant burping, throat clearing, cough, and recently even some slight swallowing difficulty. I've read about Barret's Esophagus complication and esophageal cancer from long-term GERD and want to know what are the chances of someone my age developing this complication from untreated GERD? How long would they take to develop? How bad can the symptoms of uncomplicated GERD become? Thank you.
Long standing uncontrolled GERD, lasting for usually more than 10 years is associated with development of Barret’s mucosa. It is usually more severe and occurs earlier if you also have bile reflux, smoke, take alcohol and/or obese.
Barret’s Oesophagus is broadly of two types - Long segment (>3cm) and short segment (<3cm) and it is only the long segment which has a high risk of malignant transformation.
Barret’s Oesophagus goes through various phases of Dysplasia like mild, moderate and severe dysplasia before developing into a cancer.
The transition occurs over years, typically around 7-10years and cancer is seen in only around 10% of people with Barret’s mucosa.
Best way to prevent transformation is to have a good control of reflux and alter other modifiable causes (mentioned above). I will recommend you to check for hiatus hernia, length of barret's mucosa and add a prokinetic to your treatment.