Getting Pain In Back Shoulder. Looking For Relief
Question: left back shoulder pain feels like a muscle
Thank you for the query.
If this is only a pain in shoulder area and does not radiate to the arm or jaw, no chest pain or burning, no shortness of breath, it can be strained muscle. It can appear due to long standing in one position, heavy objects lifting or sleeping in strange position. I suggest you to try pain killers (Diclophenac 50 mg twice a day and Omeprasole 20 mg once a day) and see if this will help. Such pain should go away in few days.
Otherwise, you should visit orthopedist and have and X-ray of the shoulder and consider MRI of the spine.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Thank you for the query.
If this is only a pain in shoulder area and does not radiate to the arm or jaw, no chest pain or burning, no shortness of breath, it can be strained muscle. It can appear due to long standing in one position, heavy objects lifting or sleeping in strange position. I suggest you to try pain killers (Diclophenac 50 mg twice a day and Omeprasole 20 mg once a day) and see if this will help. Such pain should go away in few days.
Otherwise, you should visit orthopedist and have and X-ray of the shoulder and consider MRI of the spine.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Note: For further queries, consult a joint and bone specialist, an Orthopaedic surgeon. Book a Call now.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar