Got A Lump On The Outside Of Testicles. Painless And No Discomfort. Should I Be Serious?
Most of testicle lumps or masses are benign and are commonly found in middle-aged men. If this lasts for 2 years and you didnt notice enlargement, pain, redness,testicle swelling or blood in sperm, possibilitiy of malignancy is negligible.
The most common causes are epididymal cysts and varicocele or various skin lesions such as atheroma, fibroma or warts. If you want to be sure about the diagnosis you can do testicle ultrasounds, but I suggest to seek medical help only if you notice symptoms I ve mentioned above or if you consider this as aesthetic problem. it can be easily surgically removed under local anasthesia in most medical institutions.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help"
And thanks again
Great then. Just watch for those signs. But I doubt that anything about this will change if didnt change in last 2 years. There is always possiblity of becoming inflammated so if you notice there redness, pus secretion or burning pain while urinating, you might need antibiotics, but this isnt common. So you dont need to worry at all.