Got Pregnant With In Vitro Fertilization. What Are The Chances Of Miscarriage?
My daughter in law just find out that she is pregnant. She got pregnant using the in-vitro procedure. Is it easier to have a miscarriage following an in-vitro implant.
It sounds like she has gone through a lot to achieve this pregnancy, so this sounds like good news so far. Once she has a positive pregnancy test, this indicates actual implantation of an embryo into the uterine wall. The chance that this will result in a healthy pregnancy is likely very high.
It would be hard to sort out whether she is at increased risk for miscarriage. Her risks are increased anyway related to the reasons for doing IVF in the first place and related to her age of 37. For example, her chance of miscarriage is higher than a woman undergoing the same procedure at age 25. So, it is not an easy question to answer.
What I would say is that if she has a positive pregnancy test, then the odds are that she will continue with the pregnancy. The best way to sort out whether the pregnancy is "healthy" is:
1. Check an HCG level and repeat it 48 hours later - it should double within this time period with most normal pregnancies
2. An ultrasound can see a fetus with a heart beat at about 4-5 weeks after embryo transfer - I am sure that this is already arranged.
I hope that this helps. Please ask if you have any followup questions.