Grade 1 Prostate Enlargement With Raised Psa Level. Family History Of Prostate Cancer. Concerned
Thanks for writing to us.
Given the rising trend of serum PSA levels seen on your exams, the following protocol is recommended.
1) First of all Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) is a must to assess the size of the prostate ,and to rule out presence of a hard nodule which indicates possibility of malignancy.
2)Abdominal Ultrasound Scanning and Scanning with Trans Rectal Ultra sound Probe is done to see any hypo echoic lesion in peripheral zone of the prostate.( Which suggests Malignancy)
If findings of above tests are positive then one has to go for C.T scan and MRI and Trans Rectal CT guided multi score Biopsy.
If these tests are negative, then we continue to monitor.
Hope that helps.
Feel free to write if you have any more questions.