HSV1, No Symptoms In Child, Partner, No Cold Sores, Test Reading Shows HSV1 Antibodies, Older Infection. Treatment ?
It is conceivable that if you kissed 60 women that the likelihood that you encountered the HSV virus is close to 100 percent. It is also possible that your antibody level at the initial screening evaluation was just below the detectable limit.
HSV is a very tricky virus - stays dormant mainly, resides just under the skin in the nerves and can come out in the form of a rash in times of stress. In addition the virus is quite easily transmitted which explains why over 50% of the population has the HSV type 1.
Generally there is no indication to screen a pregnant woman for HSV 1. I dont know why a fertility doctor would check for it either. I am sure you picked it up previously long before you met your wife and that it has been kept under control by your immune system. This virus will have no effect on your fertility or the length and quality of your life - rest assured that this is the case.
I thank you again for the query and hope my response proves to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga