Had Cataract Surgery. Taking Cipro And Prednisolone. Take Lortab For Multiple Surgeries. Have Blood In Urine. Suggest?
Have Hx of rt oopherectomy & lt overian cyst approx 10 y ago.
I am not well hydrated usually but blood really scares me.
I appreciate any help or suggestions you can give me.
Thanks for your query.
You are concerned about passing high coloured urine/ blood in urine.
Although the list of medical conditions, which causes this, is long; the common causes at your age are stones in the kidney, ureter or bladder, infection or sometimes a cancer.
Do you have any other symptoms like pain, burning when you pee, swelling over feet or fever?
I suggest that you get a urine examination with microscopy and urine culture done - this will tell us about infections.
Also needed would be an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder and if needed a CT scan- this will tell us about stones/ cancer etc.
I would also recommend doing blood tests like a CBC, serum creatinine.
Please see your physician or a nephrologist with the above investigations. He/She will examine you and discuss the results of the above tests and prescribe further appropriate medications or perform more diagnostic tests.
In the mean time, keep yourself well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.