Had Depression. Will This Cause Any Impact On Current Pregnancy?
Currently 7 to 8 week pregnant taking shots and pills of progesterone she sometimes feel emotionally "down" as I would say in lay term without any excess.
My question is:
Was her depression years ago impacting her current pregnancy? She at least depression free for 2 years.
During taking progesterone her mood changed a bit. It seems that she was emotionally impacted. Can this state of mind impact the "baby"/pregnancy? If so in which way? What should be done to avoid any complications?
Thanks for the query.
I understand your concern and will try to help you at my best.
For years obstetricians have looked to see whether an increase in stressful events can either cause miscarriage, result in preterm delivery, or in some other way harm a fetus. Up until recently the consensus had been that while excessive physical work can bring on preterm labor, emotional stress did not seem to have negative effects on pregnancy outcomes. This conclusion, however, has recently been challenged. There now is information to indicate that stress can cause the body to produce certain hormones that can perhaps cause miscarriage and that very likely can bring on preterm labor.
Depression and anxiety may go undiagnosed because women often dismiss their feelings, chalking them up to the temporary moodiness that often accompanies pregnancy.
If you've struggled in the past with depression or extreme anxiety or if depression runs in your family like your mom is being treated , you're more likely to become depressed now.
So the answer to your queries are
Past depression has no direct consequences on the pregnancy at the moment but it has an indirect effect in the sense,that it makes you more liable to go in to depression now.
If you feel unable to handle your daily responsibilities or are having lots of fluctuations in your mood, call your doctor for a referral to a counselor. Seeing a therapist or psychiatrist isn't an indication of weakness. On the contrary, it shows that you're willing to take the steps necessary to keep your baby and yourself safe and healthy.
I would recommend you to consult your doctor in this regard keeping in mind about the positive personal history as well as family history.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck