Had Intracranial Hemorrhage And Have Recurrent Seizures. On Keppra And Ativan. CBC And Drug Test Normal. Suggest?
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Having recurrent seizures is definitely a cause for concern. Since you have a history of intracranial hemorrhage, it is possible that you might be suffering just from a sequellae/scar of the hemorrhage which then leads to spikes of seizures.
The recurrence is an issue and that needs to be solved, as seizures on their own can lead to other serious complications such as accidents or even permanent brain damage.
You will need to book an appointment with a neurologist or neurosurgeon who can take a closer look at your situation and decide on which proper treatment to place you on.
I can see that you are already on many medications for seizures, high blood pressure, acid reflux etc, but you might require much more specific medications to deal with the seizures. Maybe after running a CT scan or MRI, your doctor will be able to tell on the exact state of your brain and then decide on which treatment method is best.
Hope this was helpful
Dr. Nsah