Had Medicated Stent In Heart. What Cure And Precaution Should Be Taken?
I will try to answer all your queries one by one.
Lifestyle: Let him be relaxed. Try to avoid stressful conditions. Traveling is allowed. Good habits should be followed. (Avoid smoking and tobacco use if any). Let him not skip the medication and let it be regular as advised.
Exercise: He should be on a regular exercise. Daily brisk walking is advised. He should sweat while walking. He can walk as much as possible until he becomes tired. There is no fixed distance.
Food habits: As the main reason for coronary artery disease is deranged lipid profile, he should avoid fat intake in any form. Let him be free of oily foods, cheese, butter, ghee, XXXXXXX fried items. No added oil in the food. Non-vegetarian food can be taken once in a week. Avoid chicken and mutton, more of fish. Egg white can be taken, but not yellow. Let him consume more vegetarian diet.
Medical checkup: Initially soon after putting the stent he may have to visit his cardiologist very frequently, once in a month. Later on once in six months is required. We do ECG, Echocardiogram, TMT if required.
You can visit me in Bangalore at Sapthagiri superspeciality hospital, Hesaraghatta road, Bangalore.
Wish him good health.