Had Urination During A Long Intercourse. Ultrasound Showed Small Inguinal Hernia. What Is The Cause?
10 months ago I had sexual intercourse on and off for 3 hours. I urinated during the session about 3 times. The next morning I woke up with a right testicle ache. I lived with the ache for a few months then I had an ultrasound and the ultrasound showed a small inguinal hernia on the right side. I decided to see a surgeon and the surgeon said he wanted to close the tear with a mesh repair. I lived with the ache for a few more months until I underwent the mesh implantation. It is now 5 weeks after surgery and the ache has not changed at all. I am back running, jumping and lifting weights though the testicle ache has not stopped. I am beginning to think that the ache may be an infection or nerve damage. Before surgery I tried a course of antibiotics for epididimitus and that didn't changed anything. I also had a testicle ultrasound and things were perfectly normal. Please let me know what everyones thoughts are.
Thanks for writing in.
It is too premature for you to commence hectic physical activity after a mesh repair for hernia.It takes between 6 to 12 weeks for the process of fibrosis around the mesh to get completed in order to offer protection.
Theremay be many causes of persistent pain after hernai surgery.
1. Nerve entrapment causing intermittent episodes of neuralgic pain similar to an electric shock.
2. Infection can cause continuous dull pain in the region along with fever ,redness in the area and tenderness as well.
3. Pain due to the process of fibrosis is adull intermittent ache usually experienced after activity or at night.This will stop automatically.
So the cause would determine the exact nature of pain and the treatment thereafter.
I would suggest that you stop sporting activities for at least a fortnight.
Start acourse of mild analgesics and neurotropic vitamins and the see the response.
I hope this answers your querry.
With regards