I am a seventeen year old female who was diagnosed with Marfans Syndrome four years ago. I've been in and out of
physical therapy sense the age of five. At five years old my knees started to dislocate and my doctors just sent me to a physical therapist. My doctors were never able to put two and two together so I continue to research more about the disease to help benefit myself. I have
scoliosis, my hips and shoulders are not aligned, all my joints dislocate, get stuck or roll out of there sockets constantly, I had over crowded teeth but when I got braces I had some removed. I don't have the height im only 5'6" but I have very long arms, legs and fingers and I'm very slender. I have flat feet and my ankles are also severely caved in. I don't have any
cartilage left in my knees anymore and one of my doctors two years ago said I had
osteoarthritis. I also have J hooks in my knees as well and my knee caps do not lay in there sockets. My sockets are too small for my knee caps. My knees are constantly inflamed and they're almost also filled with fluid. I have a horrible time walking and just cannot walk right due to the pain and the way my knees and ankles are. My hips also tend to be very stiff as well which also makes it hard to walk. I have been shoved around from doctor to doctor. Once the word marfans is mentioned I receive very little to no help at all. I'm just started physical therapy again and my doctor prescribed me
diclofenac but it doesn't help. Should I be taking NSAIDS. One of my doctors also told me that I should get cartilage put back into my knees but if I do that then my knees will continue to dislocate even more constantly. I need help with pain relief because on a daily basis I'm in 8/10 as far as pain level. I cannot walk or stand for more than an hour and a half but sometimes I can make it longer. Its becoming rather unbearable to deal with on a day to day basis because I can't do anything. Any help or information is greatly appreciated. Please help.