Have Bad Lower Back During Night And Stomach Is Getting Bigger. Underlying Cause?
Thank you for the query.
Lower back pain can be caused by spine problems (spine disc herniation), nerve compression. Can give back pain, pain radiating to one or both legs, tingling, numbness. The pain aggravates while walking.
Urinary tract infection gives back pain, lower abdominal pain, frequent urinating, burning while urinating. Blood in the urine can be present.
Muscular problem gives pain in the muscles area, can get better after a massage or exercises.
As you are over the age of 50, and your stomach is getting bigger, large intestine issues should be also considered. Sometimes large intestine can give back pain and bloated abdomen. Constipation, diarrhea, blood in stool, weight loss can be also present.
I suggest you to visit orthopedist, have physical examination and consider MRI of the spine.
Apart from your spine condition, colonoscopy seems to be advisable as well.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.