Have Bladder And Possible Kidney Infection. Need Antibiotic. Had Peripheral Neurapathy And Muscle Weakness. Suggest?
We need to confirm that it is only a bladder infection or a kidney infection.
Serum Creatinine gets elevated when the infection has spread to the kidneys and in this condition you need injectable antibiotics. If on the other hand it is only bladder infection you may get away using tablets only.
Cephalosporins- is a group of antibiotics slightly similar to penicillins but many patients tolarate them inspite of being sensitive to penicillins. oral formulations include cefexime, cefuroxime. injectables- ceftriaxone.
If you cannot take cephalosporins, you can go for aminoglycosides like amikacin, they are very good for UTI. but they are injectables in once daily dose and cannot be given if there is elevated serum creatinine levels.
You should get a urine routine and urine culture senstivity, this will actually guide us about the possible effective antibiotics.
best wishes, if there is any further query please ask.