Have Bump On Collar Bone, Pain In Head And Shoulder. What Could Be Causing This?
Thanks for writing to us.
Based on your description, you have a swelling in the right supra clavicular region (collar bone area). A few possibilities which I can think of are:
1. Most common cause of swelling in this region is lymph node. Lymph nodes are normally present in this area and get enlarged when there is infection in their vicinity. In your case right side of chest wall and right lung lie in the vicinity of this lymph node.
2. The second cause of this swelling (if it is exactly on collar bone) could be osteoma that is bony swelling arising from collar bone.
3. The third possibility could be lipoma - a fatty tissue swelling.
The pain could be due to infection / pressure on the nerves and surrounding structures by one of the aforementioned conditions.
Without a means to physically examine the bump, I am unable to narrow down on a single possibility. I would urge you to consult your nearest surgeon for a direct physical examination. Few blood test and FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) of this swelling might need to be performed to know the exact cause.
Hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have any more queries.
Dr Sadiq.