Have Dandruff, Hair Fall. What Can Be Done?
Thanks for the query posted . I would be pleased to answer your query .
This is a condition where the body loses tolerance for a yeast called Malassezia (which is present normally on all our skins) and starts attacking it leading to symptoms. This condition responds fastest to a steroid and anti yeast lotion shampoos which need to be rubbed into your scalp and not the hair. This requires a prescription and your doctor can write one for you. If you cannot see your doctor for any reason then here is what I would recommend trying:
Nizoral-AD shampoo: apply and leave for 5 minutes on the scalp . Do this every alternate day. (e.g Mon-Wed-Fri). Use regularly for 4-6 weeks then start decreasing the frequency of application gradually till you reach once a week and maintain. This shampoo does not require a prescription. Please do not apply this shampoo on the hair . You will need to rub it into the scalp.
The other option is the anti dandruff special prescription lotions which you can apply on the scalp and leave it on over night three days a week .
Thanks and Take care