Have Diabetic Neuropathy. Taking Pregabalin And Diavit. Comments On Rebuilder Machine?
I would not suggest you to blindly go with this machine without testing the mechanics of its usefulness. Let me explain you.
This machine works by a principle called Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS). This is a good way to keep the nerve pain away and well tested. For some TENS would not do any good. Only 50 to 60% of the individuals get real benefit out of it. So you should undergo this therapy with a local physiotherapist office or home for few days. If it brings you significant relief and improves your sleep and quality of life you can bet on it.
These kind of machine are available in India which works with this principle of TENS. I would suggest you to ask the same Physiotherapist about the brand and servicing / maintenance.
Please do not forget to consult your Diabetologist / Neurologist and get assessment of Nerve conduction. Vitamin B6 supplements are to be added in cases of diagnosed Diabetic neuropathy.
Hope this helps you taking a good decision.