Have Gingivities. Fever, Chills And Sore Throat After Oral Sex. Worried Of Contracting HIV?
You have mentioned that you have not engaged in any high risk sexual behaviours. Generally, the risk of transmission of HIV through lip kissing is very, very minimal (especially when there is no exchange of body saliva), but because of the possible ulcers / sores in the mouth, this risk cannot be completely ruled out. Moreover, if there has been any skin breach due to the biting, then this would also be a possible risk.
However, the fever, sore throat and chills are not definitive indicators of a HIV infection. They are most likely due to a throat infection or viral fever. It is very common to have lymph node enlargement during throat infections.
In order to be sure that you have not contracted HIV infection, you can have a HIV testing done after 3 months (tests before three months may not accurately detect the infection). Till then, I would advise you to not to get worried or tensed because of this doubt, because your risk of exposure was very minimal.
Wish you all the best.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Fever and lymph node enlargement are more indicative of an infection. But it is possible that the smoking could have caused throat irritation and soreness, which could have led on to developing a throat infection.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Wish you good health.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Okay, that's why I had mentioned in my previous answer that there could be a risk due to the biting if the skin was breached. Now that you have clarified that there was no bleeding, it is unlikely that there was any skin breach and contact of saliva over intact skin does not pose a risk for transmission of HIV.
Regarding the sore throat and fever, I still think that they are not indicators of HIV infection. You are probably having a laryngitis (inflammation of the wind pipe), which is causing you the cough as well as the pain specifically while coughing only (because the larynx / vocal cords are strained only while coughing and are not affected while swallowing).
I understand that you are very worried and anxious. But like I said before, without any vaginal contact / sex or oral sex or any other high risk behaviour, you risk for getting HIV is minimal. I had advised the tests just to be sure. So, relax and don't worry about this issue. If your throat pain, cough and fever are persistent or getting worse, then you may need a course of antibiotics.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Drink plenty of water and hot fluids, do saline or disprin gargling and take adequate rest. Your symptoms should most likely come down in the next 2 to 3 days.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist