Have Got Dichorionic-DiAmniotic Twins And Scan Showed Twin-B With Low Amniotic Fluid And Rocker Bottom Foot. Suggest?
We have got Dichorionic-DiAmniotic-Twins and routine scan taken for fifth month(23 Weeks) shows Twin-B has got very very low amniotic fluid and it has got Unilateral Talipes at ankle with rocker bottom foot,but the other fetal activity parameters like Head,Neck,Spine,Thorax,Heart,Abdomen,Kidneys,Face remain NORMAL.Twin-A is completely normal and they informed us that a thick membrane is seperating the twins and hence both are independent.Our Consultant has recommended Argipreg sachets till delivery. We would like to know what is the survival percentage of Twin-B,If things are adverse for Twin-B,will there be any impact of it on Twin-A,If it survives can the foots being corrected surgically.
Twin A is absolutely safe.
Detailed Answer:
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As it is dichorionic and diamniotic pregnancy, there are 2 separate placenta and 2 separate amniotic cavities, hence there is no effect of one twin on the other. Both the twins are independent of each other. There will not be any effect on Twin A, because of Twin B problem.
As the Twin B is having severe amniotic fluid deficiency, the chances of its survival is very less, because the pregnancy has to go till term i.e 3rd trimester. In rare instances the fluid can increase and the foetus can survive. But asIi said chances are less may be 40%.
The Talipes anomaly is due to the severe oligohydramnios. It can be corrected surgically after delivery.
As far as argipreg is concerned, yes, it contains arginine granules which has shown to increase the amniotic fluid. You can safely continue that.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups.
Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
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