Have Had Severe Shoulder Pain. Noticed Crack In Neck And Pain In Head. Is This Related To Cancer?
The symptoms you told are related to musculoskeletal sytem. The hardness in neck is probably due to spending lots of time in one position. Radiation of pain to head indicates a possibility of presence of cervical spondylosis. The parascapular muscles of the upper back are not made to sit for long duration and work. They need micro break exercises during your work hours once every hour.
This is not due to presence of any neck cancer or tumor, because in those case presentation of the disease is different.
So, do not worry. Consult with any orthopedic surgeon for investigations ( like CT Scan, MRI of cervical vertebra) and further management. They can demonstrate good exercises at your desk if your problem can be managed conservatively.
Let me know if you have more concerns to be addressed.