Have Hepatitis B Non Reactive. What Medication Should Be Done To Get Cured?
I Am suffering for hepatitis B non reactive from last 5 years. Got many treatment but its still same 250 in concentration. I get check of blood test of my wife and son they are fine.My urine is dark yellow and got pain in panics while releasing the urin. Please advice wt to do and also have high clastrol as well.
A person who has a test of hepatitis B antigen showing non-reactive, he/ she does not have infection of Hepatitis B at all! So what are you worried about? If your hepatitis B antibody (and not the antigen) test is showing non-reactive, that means again you are not infected by the hepatitis B virus and simply, go and get yourself immunised by Hepatitis B vaccine and that's the permanent relief!
Secondly, dark urine and pain while initiating urinal is something where you need to make sure you do not have any Urologist. Please go and see one to avoid multiple blood and urine tests as clinical judgement of the Urologist will help which test to be done on priority.
So I hope you got the answer on you both the problems. Do get back to me for any further clarification. Wish you good luck.
Thanks for the reply. As I am not aware about all this scientfic terms. I am attaching the latest report. So request you to go through it and suggest me what I have to do.
The report says you are reactive to the antigen of Hepatitis B means you are infected. You need to see a Gastroenterologist in this case. He/she will test your liver functions and after a thorough clinical assessment will prescribe medications for you. Most importantly, when your family members are negative for the Hep B, please make sure you get all the guidelines from the Gastroenterologist how to prevent them from the hepatitis B positivity. Along with immunization, if it is not done, the doctor will give you tips on transfer of this virus to close contacts.
Thus depending on your liver condition your doctor will take decision how to treat you. So please go and see a Gastroenterologist for this. All the best.