Have Itchy, Sticky Foreskin, Noticed White Discharge Under It. Applied Candid B Cream, Not Cured
You seem to have what we call balanoposthitis. There is a possibility that you could be a diabetic, and I would certainly recommend that you get your blood sugars checked in the fasting state and 2 hours after you have taken a normal breakfast.
In fact 10% of Indian diabetic males initially find out that they are diabetic when they develop similar complaints.
If the blood sugars are elevated, their control will get your problem resolved. The good thing in your favour is you are very young (27 yrs), and if there is no family history of diabetes, there are higher chances of normal blood sugars. So if indeed it turns out that you have normal blood sugar levels, and the problem appears despite good local hygiene, you might have to undergo removal of foreskin surgically - this is 'circumcision'.
Hope I have been able to help you.