Have Lump Under Ribs On Right Side Near Liver
Your question is a good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations.
There are a few different possibilities regarding the lump which you can appreciate. the most likely explanation is that this is a subcutaneous collection of fat which we refer to as a lipoma. Another possibility would be that this is just a benign cyst. These can come and go from time to time.
If it seems that the lump is more attached to the liver this might be the edge of your liver what you are palpating. I would tend to doubt that this is your liver which you can feel.
I would suggest that you have your take a look at this and see if any additional testing is necessary. I want to reassure you that I doubt this is anything that is threatening to your health overall.
Thanks again for submitting your question. If you have additional follow-ups I am available to address them.
Dr. Robert