Ok i will be more detailed .
Some days i wake up with
shoulder pain , but some days i am normal .
Sometimes i get pins and needles behind my ears , under my chin . Its not a constant feeling . Sometimes i feel that there are insects walking on the sides of my neck ( there are no insects of course )
The pins and needles are concentrated up in the neck . I can describe the shoulder pain as just pain to be accurate .
This also goes for the
pelvic pain , i cant say it is constant .
I dont get pins and needles at other parts of my body .
I do get itchness under my armpits ( sometimes ) not every day even .
I feel that i raise my shoulders a lot ( this is related to anxiety ) .
At some point my neck was so stiff like a rock , looking left or right would cause a sound that i can hear at the base of my skull, a sound like ( glass being crushed ) .
When i started Xanax that neck stiffness improved a lot .
I am not sure if the pelvic pain is related to anxiety or not , cause i suffer from
chronic prostatitis .
Can prostatitis cause pelvic pain and lower back pain and knee pain ?
I know i am very stressful and my
heart rate can be a 100 in the morning when i wake up . Also i am depressed in the morning . Depression fades through the day but the anxiety persists .
I am not afraid of something in particular , its general . The depression does not annoy me a lot or affect my life a lot , i know we all can have some degree of depression .
But the anxiety i know it is hurting my body organs , specially my stomach, i clench my stomach and my rectum muscles and
urinary tract muscles badly .
I also raise my shoulders all the time nearly , and i noticed that i push my head into the bed so this might be causing the neck strange feelings .
I cant be sure cause the symptoms can be very intense that i wanna scream from pain .
Its also worth saying that i have nightmares nearly every day . I dont sleep well cause of the night mares . I grind my teeth too . The
dentist told me my teeth are worn out and designed a guard for me .
I have been on seroxat for 2 years in the past , but i wanted to stop it cause i heard it is a XXXXXXX medication . I had bad
withdrawal symptoms like electric shocks in my brain for sometime .
I heard that there are new medications in the market for panic disorder like Caitalopram , but i dont know if that is good for my condition or not .
I heard citalopram has less side effects than other medications .
I dont want to make the wrong choice again .
I dont know what is the difference between Effexor , Zoloft , Prozac , Seroxat , Citalopram .
I need you to tell me whats the difference .
What is the difference between SSRI and SNRI also ?
What if i tried an antidepressant and i felt bad with it , will i be addicted to it from the first few days ?
Is it easy to change to another brand if i dont get well with some medicine if i only took it for a few days ?
Also will i need to be on those meds for life or i can decrease gradually at some point and then stop ?
I hope you can help me make the right choice , and i want to start with a low dosage and then increase gradually .
I hope i can take the medication near bed time so i dont have to live with side effects at first .