Have Pain In RUQ After Meals, Swelling Below Rib Cage, Chest Pain. Reason?
Thanks for posting your query.
Do you have fever/ vomiting/ yellow discoloration of sclera & urine?
You are most like from cholecystitis.
In RUQ, following organs are present: liver, gall bladder, hepatic flexure of large intestine, 2nd part of duodenum, part of right kidney.
Pain increasing after eating occurs only in three conditions: acute or chronic cholecystitis, acute or chronic pancreatitis and peptic ulcer disease.
Presence of pain in RUQ and increasing after meal, palpable mass in RUQ (in chronic cholecystitis, gall bladder walls are fibrosed due to recurrent and persisting inflammation) suggest acute/ chronic cholecystitis.
Have you undergone ultrasound imaging? What was its report?
Cholecystitis may occur due to presence of gall stones (obstructing cystic duct of gall bladder) and in absence of gall stones (called as acalculous cholecystitis).
Acalculous cholecystitis generally occurs in old age, bed ridden , on total parenteral therapy patient. So considering your young age, possibility of acalculous cholecystitis is least likely.
You should consult with physician/ gastro-physician and should go for following investigations: complete blood count, liver function test, ultrasound imaging, CT/ MRI if needed.
Although your history suggest cholecystitis but if ultrasound imaging is normal (means gall bladder is normal without stones), then you should go for following investigations: UGI endoscopy (for peptic ulcer disease), colonoscopy (for hepatic flexure pathology), urine examination for renal stones.
I have answered almost all queries.
Put your views if any one, It will be my great pleasure.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava